Online Admission



  • All students must abide by the rules and regulations that may from time to time be laid down for proper management of the college.
  • The undertaking given in the form of application at the time of admission in binding both upon the guardian and his ward
  • Students shall be responsible for the proper use of the furniture and equipments in their class.Cost of repair for any damage done by them may be realized from their Caution Deposits.
  • All class works must be signed and dated and produced before the teacher for awarding marks, which will be finally checked and scrutinized at the time of the final assessment
  • Late Fees of Rs. 200/- will be paid after the due date of admission within next 3 months.
  • If any student changes his/her address he/she should immediately inform the college authority
  • Bonafide students are allowed to enjoy Railway Concessions within 25 years (SC/ST 27 years) of his/her completion.
  • Tuition and other fees as laid down in this Prospectus are payable compulsorily within the stipulated date.
  • A student who shall not attend the classes continuously for two months within due approval or default payment of fees for 2 months will be required to seek re-admission for the consideration of the Principal and the College Governing Body.
  • No student shall be allowed to appear at the Semester Exam unless all fees and dues are cleared.
  • The Authority reserves the right to refuse admission to any student to any reason thereof.
  • The Authority reserves the rights to change, alter, or modify any of the rules and regulations laid down as and when necessary and any alterations of fees and charges shall remain binding upon the enrolled.
  • All caution money deposit will be refunded at the end of the year after deduction for breakages or damages if any. Application for the refund of Caution Money may be made within the date notified by the college authority. Afterwards no claim will be entertained.
  • Admission of a candidate will be cancelled if any information given by him/her is found to be wrong or suppressed.
  • Above mentioned rules are subject to change from time to time.